The Big Give Raises £4200

Thank you! With your help we hit our target and raised a whopping £4200!

This money will help us build more of our fuel-efficient stoves for families in rural Malawi. Over the years we have found that these stoves have numerous benefits for our beneficiaries:

The liberation of women and girls from the time consuming chores associated with traditional cooking methods in Malawi. Our own survey results indicate that average time savings are 52 hours per month.

Enhancing livelihoods - liberating women and girls from time consuming traditional methods enables them to engage in economic, social and educational activities. Our surveys indicate an improvement to incomes between 50% and 90%.

Less trips to the hospital. The Esperanza stove is safe to use, it is cool to the touch even when there is a fire within it. Our surveys indicate that burn injuries are a thing of the past.

To address issues of deforestation. Our stoves burn more efficiently and as a result they use up to 65% less firewood.


The Big Give Campaign has now closed, but if you still wanted to donate you can do so by clicking the button below.


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