We believe in the power of small changes to make a big difference

That’s why we build fuel-efficient Esperanza stoves in Malawi to save families money and protect the environment.

A malawian woman stirring a steaming pot of food on her new fuel-efficient stove

Why stoves?

The traditional method of cooking in Malawi is called 'Mafuwa' and involves placing a pile of sticks on the ground surrounded by three stones. This method is very inefficient and produces a large amount of smoke, damaging to health.

An old battered pot of beans balanced between three rocks cooking on an open fire

The benefits of our stoves

A smiling malawian mother and her child posing next to their new fuel-efficient stove

Empowering women and girls

In many communities, it is primarily the responsibility of women and girls to collect firewood and prepare meals. This can take up a significant amount of their time, exposing them to more dangers. By using less firewood, the Esperanza stoves reduce the time and effort that women and girls have to spend on collecting fuel. Leaving them more time for income generating activities.

By supporting our efforts to build fuel-efficient Esperanza stoves, you can help to make a real and lasting difference to the lives of families in Malawi. You can also support the local economy and environment. Together, we can create a brighter future for all.

Stories from our stove project

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