World Aids Day

Whilst the prevalence of HIV in Malawi is falling it still has one of the the highest in the world, with 8.1% of the adult population (aged 15-49) living with HIV.

At our Songani Hope & Wellness Centre, we provide free HIV & Counselling services to anybody to wishes to access them. Our 'Hope Ambassadors' youth group visit the surrounding communities with our HIV counsellors. They perform music, drama and dance with the aim of disseminating messages of HIV prevention and the promotion of ART (antiretroviral therapy) medication uptake by those people who are HIV positive.

Fyson, one of our HIV counsellors commented, “Taking HIV testing and counselling to the community is a hobby to me. I am confident I am making a difference. My community is aware of their status, so they can protect themselves from getting infected or infecting others.”

We are encouraged!


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