This was the end of him … and his dreams were shattered


In Malawi only 8% of young people complete Secondary Education and the main reason for that is poverty. We are so delighted that our MOSES scheme enables orphans in Malawi to complete four years of Secondary Education.

In the photo in red is Ndaona. Daphney, our MOSES Student Support Officer told us Ndaona's story - "After making it to Secondary School, Ndaona was very happy and proud of himself. First term started and he couldn’t believe that he was in Secondary School and he was enjoying every moment of it, new school, new friends wow! Life was good he thought. Little did he know of the reality that awaited him.

Second week of school, things fell apart as he found himself at home. As much as he wanted to be in school, he could not attend it as he had not paid school fees. The school policies clearly stated that all students must pay school fees and failure to do so will result in being sent home. This was the end of him he thought and his dreams were shattered. Ndaona felt helpless and hopeless at the same time as he was very much aware of the economic status of his home. His guardians could not handle the pressure as they already had some of Ndaonas cousins who had stopped school because of lack of money to pay fees.

At a tender age, what would he do with his life and future without education? He would probably end up like some of his cousins and friends, married, stricken by poverty, some are criminals and jailed and some chose to indulge in sexual activities to make a living and got the HIV virus and through ignorance they died young. If the young don’t get educated how can they be the leaders of tomorrow and help in developing their countries?


However Ndaonas story changed as he is now under the sponsorship of MOSES. He travels to and from school almost four hours daily. MOSES has been able to get him a bicycle, as he sometimes misses out classes especially on rainy days.

A big “THANK YOU” to our sponsors as they bring hope to the hopeless and also help in building a better Malawi.


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